June 23-29 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
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UCPath is planning to implement the changes below in the June release. Most changes will be visible on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.
You may now resume entering or updating funding on positions in UCPath.
UCPath discovered an issue that causes the word “name” or a blank field to display in the Name field for certain Smart HR template transactions.
Do not enter/update funding on non-MCOP position in UCPath at this time.
June 16-22 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
You may now enter/update funding on Multiple Components of Pay (MCOP) positions. The next program of the funding rollover process begins on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 8:00 a.m.
Please do not enter/update funding on Multiple Components of Pay (MCOP) positions.
June 9-15 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
The Lived Name, PeopleSoft Manager Update (PUM) Upgrade, and Job Modernization updates have officially launched! Clear your browser cache before your next UCPath login.
UCPath will be offline for all UC employees from June 16, 3:00 p.m. until June 19, 9:00 p.m. By June 16: all employees, who entered a self-chosen name before system cutover, should review the "Preferred Name" field and ensure it is accurate.
June 2-8 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
By June 27, review and fix funding entries that will otherwise fail the 2023 Fiscal Year-End Funding Rollover Process.
The UCPath system will be unavailable to all UC employees during June 2023 while UCPath implements Lived Name and the PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Upgrade Friday, June 16 at 3:00pm until Monday, June 19 at 9:00pm.
By June 23, review and fix funding entries/MCOP worksheets that will otherwise fail the 2023 Fiscal Year-End Funding Rollover Process.
Effective June 20, UCPath will implement the Lived Name enhancement and PeopleSoft Manager (PUM) Upgrade. During the implementation, UCPath will be unavailable from Friday, June 16, at 3PM through Monday, June 19, at 9PM.
UCPath Blackout Jun 16-19. Review job records with June 30, 2023 end date by June 15. Summer Salary Resources. DHS Remote Document Inspection Policy Ends July 31, 2023.
May 26 - June 1 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
UCPath Illuminated On Demand training now available for the Lived Name and PUM Upgrade & Job Modernization projects. Visit our project pages and find videos, custom simulation, glossary, and more training resources.
Effective July 31, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will end the COVID remote document review policy. Form I-9s completed remotely between March 20, 2020, and July 31, 2023, must satisfy the in-person document inspection requirement by August 30, 2023