Smart HR Transactions
Within this page, you are able to do the following actions:
- Concurrent hires
- Full hires
- Rehiring employees
- Reinstating automatically terminated employees
- Retirement
- Setting up and maintaining Contingent Workers
- Terminations (Voluntary and Involuntary)
- Transfers to/from other UC Campuses (Interlocation)
- Transfers within UCLA Campus and Medical Center (Intralocation)
- Updating personal data
Homepage: Workforce Administration
Tile: HR Tasks
Folder: Smart HR Templates
Page: Smart HR Transactions
Workforce Administration > Smart HR Template > Smart HR Transactions
SS Smart HR Transactions
Within this page, you are able to do the following action:
- View the status of a Smart HR Template transaction within approval workflow engine (AWE) for transactions still awaiting local-level approval.
Homepage: Workforce Administration
Tile: HR Tasks
Folder: Smart HR Templates
Page: SS Smart HR Transactions
UC Customizations > UC Extensions > SS Smart HR Transactions
Transaction Status
Within this page, you are able to do the following actions:
- View the status of Smart HR Template transactions that have completed AWE as it goes through the queue at the UCPath Center (UCPC) WFA Production.
- View the Person/Empl ID that is create for new hire transactions.
- Clone a transaction that was cancelled or denied.
- View email notes sent by WFA Production.
Homepage: Workforce Administration
Tile: HR Tasks
Folder: Smart HR Templates
Page: Transaction Status
Workforce Administration > Smart HR Template > Transaction Status