Effective Feb 2022: Newsletter Moving to Biweekly Publication. 2021 W-2 Forms Now Available Online. Delay of Monthly Detail Labor Ledger (220131M0X)
UCPath was experiencing issues delaying the delivery of the monthly detail labor ledger results for Run ID 220131M0X.
January 21-27 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
Do not submit/approve PayPath transactions Jan 24-28. Tracker will Stop Supporting Internet Explorer in May. UCPath Enhancements Jan 21. UCPath Phone Service Restored.
January 14-20 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
Effective May 2022, Mitratech-Tracker will stop providing IE11 support for the Tracker I-9 system. Get prepared and switch to Chrome or Firefox today.
On January 21, the UCPath Center (UCPC) resolved the virtual private network (VPN) issue which temporarily prevented incoming and outgoing calls.
Register and join us for UCPath Illuminated: PayPath Deep Dive webinar - Jan 20. Paycheck reminders for the new year. UCPath Enhancements Jan 14.
On Jan 13, UCPC sent a communication to new employees who did not receive their New Hire Benefits kits in the mail. This includes 59 UCLA Campus and 20 UCLA Medical Center employees.
January 7-13 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
Register and join our first UCPath Illuminated training session on Thursday, January 20, 1:30pm - 2:30pm.
On January 12, the UCPath Center reported that monthly transactions were erroneously prevented during the biweekly PayPath lockdown window.
Sign up for an electronic W-2 by Jan 10, 5pm and enter our raffle for a $75 gift card! 2022 Direct Retro Processing Schedule.
December 20, 2021 - January 6, 2022 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
Last month, we urged all UCLA employees to make the switch to an electronic W-2. Now the enrollment deadline is just around the corner, and we need your help! Take a moment to remind employees to update their delivery method (they have until January 10 at 5pm).
UCLA Central Offices are offering policy training in January. Whether you are new or need a refresher, sign up for a class today!
Th UCPath Center is monitoring a critical security vulnerability known as log4j. Security updates may require quick action with little advance notice to the UCPath community.
December 10-16 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
The UCPath Center identified monthly employees on Paid Family Care Bonding Leave with earn code “PFL” accrue sick hours at incorrect rate.
Important Changes to UCLA Payroll Processing Deadlines for December 2021. 2022 CRU Pay Processing Calendar. Assistance available during the Winter Holiday period: December 18 - January 2.