September 24 - October 1 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
The employment authorization expiration date has been extended for El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan.
The UCPath system can often feel like an entirely different world with its very own language (let's not even get started on the acronyms!). We know this can be overwhelming, which is why we created the ultimate tour guide.
UCPath PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Upgrade System Integration Testing (SIT) was completed with no major risks identified. Find out more.
Payroll Deduction Holiday: Sep 29. Maximum Vacation Accrual Exception extended thru Jun 30, 2022. Verify UCPath Data to Avoid Unnecessary Delays and Errors
September 20-23 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
Effective October 1: New Mass Hire Template | UCPath Service Targets shift to business days. Webinar: E-024 Job Aid Walkthrough.
Our partners at Campus Human Resources sent an update regarding COVID-19 protocols. Please note that changes to data in the Reports to field will take 24 hours to reflect on the UCPath Manager Dashboard and UCLA COVID-19 Clearance Portal.
September 10-16 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
On 9/17/2021, the UCPath Center sent the following update regarding an earn code issue impacting employees on PFCB.
Effective October 1, 2021, UCPath service targets will shift from calendar to business days. Find out more.
A potion that can immediately make your work life easier? Seems like a fantasy... Now, we aren't saying our new Tracker I-9 pages are magical, but they come pretty close!
On 9/21/2021, the CRU Training Team will host a Fall I-9 Summit webinar to prepare you for the return to campus.
How to Run the COVID-19 I-9 Report in Tracker. Fall I-9 Summit Sep 21. I-9 Processing Procedures Training: Sep 23-24. E-078 Reason Codes Fall Hire Quick Reference Guide.
September 3-9 Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online
There is never a dull moment in the UCPath universe, which means important events are always on the horizon. We know it's a lot to juggle, but that doesn't mean it needs to be a complete circus. Meet your newest calendar ringmaster: our Events page!
To avoid delays and deduction errors, it is critical that you always select the reason code associated with the off-cycle’s unique scenario. Find the chart of current E-078 reason codes in this article.
Effective 9/2/2021, UCPath will update direct report information in a nightly batch. New employee information populates the Manager Self-Service dashboard the following day.
On Tuesday, September 8, a UC Benefits vendor erroneously sent a message to UC employees. This was not a security breach. The vendor will send a correction notice to affected employees on September 9.