The UCPath system will be unavailable to all UC employees during June 2023 while UCPath implements Lived Name and the PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Upgrade Friday, June 16 at 3:00pm until Monday, June 19 at 9:00pm.
By June 23, review and fix funding entries/MCOP worksheets that will otherwise fail the 2023 Fiscal Year-End Funding Rollover Process.
Effective July 31, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will end the COVID remote document review policy. Form I-9s completed remotely between March 20, 2020, and July 31, 2023, must satisfy the in-person document inspection requirement by August 30, 2023
The UCPath Center identified an issue where leave hours not being captured correctly for some salaried employees. The issue affects employees with leave usage equal to or greater than hours in the period during which the leave is reported.
On May 5, the UCPath Center sent notice to 1,900 UC employees regarding the Family Member Eligibility Verification process with UC health benefits vendor, UnifyHR. Employees who miss the verification deadline may still submit eligibility documentation to UnifyHR.
The UCPath Center identified a system issue where some flat-rate union dues deductions are duplicated when an employee is paid on multiple pay cycles.
Tracker I-9 has updated the Section 2 user interface as part of their March 2023 system update release.
Effective April 27, The Work Number will provide employment verifications for all UC employees including students.
The UCPath Center (UCPC) resolved an issue that resulted in some employees receiving erroneous overpayment statement notifications. Please disregard overpayment statements with an issue date of March 1, 2022. Do not submit a case regarding this issue — UCPC resolved the issue and notified 980 UCLA employees via targeted mass email.
The UCPath Center resolved an issue with the real-time funding validation process which impacted UCPath Direct Retros and Funding Entry pages.