Effective July 25, 2023, an updated Disability Self-Identification form will be available to UC employees via UCPath self-service and to applicants via Candidate Gateway.
You may now resume entering or updating funding on positions in UCPath.
UCPath discovered an issue that causes the word “name” or a blank field to display in the Name field for certain Smart HR template transactions.
Do not enter/update funding on non-MCOP position in UCPath at this time.
You may now enter/update funding on Multiple Components of Pay (MCOP) positions. The next program of the funding rollover process begins on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 8:00 a.m.
Please do not enter/update funding on Multiple Components of Pay (MCOP) positions.
By June 27, review and fix funding entries that will otherwise fail the 2023 Fiscal Year-End Funding Rollover Process.