What Happened?
General and Employment Liability (GAEL) charges that utilized the new Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) tool from November 13, 2023 through January 31, 2024 were incorrectly applied to federal funds. GAEL charges are normally applied to a designated departmental FAU and exempt from federal funds.
Our Next Steps
No department action is required at this time. UCPath implemented a permanent solution as of January 29, 2024 to prevent future errors.
UCPath completed a mass benefit cost transfer for these transactions. This action retroactively corrects the financial records by transferring impacted GAEL expenses from the federal funds to the redirect FAUs on file for each affected department.
Following this action, departments may wish to move expenses to a different FAU than the redirect FAU on file. If you would like to move the expenses, please adhere to the Benefit Cost Transfer Processing Transition to EFM for Contract and Grant Funds guidelines.
Additional Resources
If you have any additional questions regarding this issue, please open a case with us via our HR/Admin form. On your request form, enter the following:
- Topics: General Ledger
- Category: General Inquiry General Ledger
- Subject: October 2023 Month-End Biweekly Delayed Transactions