On January 12, the UCPath Center informed us that monthly transactions were erroneously locked during the biweekly PayPath lockdown window. The issue was resolved shortly after 9am this morning.
PayPath is now correctly reflecting the biweekly lockdown through January 14 at 6am. As previously scheduled, the monthly PayPath lockdown will take place January 24 at 5pm through January 27 at 6am.
Tip: If you are still receiving an error message when transacting for a monthly employee, try logging out of UCPath and then logging back in.
Should you need additional reminders for PayPath lockdowns, take advantage of the following resources on our website:
If you tried the tip above and the error persists, please contact the UCPath Center.
- UCPath Online: Open a case 24/7 by accessing UCPath and then selecting "Ask UCPath Center."
- By Phone: Call UCPC Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm (PST), at 855-982-7284.