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Quarterly Reminder: Off-Cycle, Quarter-End Pay Requests for Monthly Employees

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The following protocol is required for submitting off-cycle pay requests (E-078) near quarter-end for monthly paid employees. This protocol ensures that wages are captured accurately in UCPath for off-cycle payroll periods that span two quarters. 

When do I use this protocol?

When initiating off-cycle pay requests for monthly employees at the end of this quarter (June 18-25), the Pay End Date may erroneously populate with 6/28/24. The protocol below prevents discrepancies in wages captured for the employee.

If the Pay End Date populates with 6/1/24, you do not need to follow the protocol below and may proceed with the off-cycle pay request as usual.

What are the steps?

  • Enter 6/1/24 in the Earnings Begin field and 6/28/24 in the Earnings End field of the off-cycle request. You do not need to change the Pay End Date (6/28/24). 
  • If the employee had earnings beyond the Earnings Ends date (from 6/29-6/30), in the comments section, provide the total earnings for the pay period. Example: "Employee is due (insert hours) hours of pay for 06/01/24 to 06/30/24."
    • If the employee had no earnings from 6/29-6/30, you do not need to enter a comment. 

The example below displays an off-cycle pay request for a monthly employee in June that erroneously populated 6/28/24 as the Pay End Date. This required changing the Earnings Begin and Earning End dates. In this example, a comment with total earnings for the month was also entered to indicate earnings from 6/29-6/30.

This protocol only needs to be followed when submitting off-cycle pay requests for monthly employees at the end of the quarter. Otherwise, requests may be submitted on the next open calendar, as usual.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need additional information, please directly contact the UCPath Center.