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New Design: Case Creation Email Notification

A darker gold swatch.

New Look, New Information 

We know you're managing a lot, and your inbox can easily become an overwhelming jumble of case emails. UCPath Center (UCPC) or CRU? Employee A or Employee B?

Tracking case communications can be difficult, but your Payroll Partner's redesigned case creation notification is ready to ease the burden!

The Anatomy of a 'New Case' Email

You receive our case creation notification when you submit a new inquiry to our team. Currently, the only unique case information included is your case number and case subject. You told us that these limited details make your job harder, so let's dive into how our new design helps you: 

CRU Header

  • Our colorful, UCLA-branded header allows you to quickly differentiate our emails from UCPC notifications. No more getting your wires crossed when it comes to case ownership! 

Case Information

  • You're likely submitting cases for more than one employee. Wouldn't you love to immediately know which case email is for Employee A and which is for Employee B? When you include the impacted employee's information in our submission form, it will automatically populate in your case creation notification. 

TIP: When creating a case, enter a descriptive subject line that allows you to quickly recall the issue you're sending our way! 


  • There's nothing more frustrating than realizing you're replying to the wrong email thread. By placing case-specific information at the top of case creation notifications, you can quickly verify you're where you want to be in your inbox. 


Launching in 3 Days

You'll be seeing this new design starting July 8! Some of these updates have already made their way into our other case communications, and we're excited to continue their expansion.