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NDA Requirement for Payroll Data

Given the sensitive nature of payroll data and its relationship to the UCLA Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy, all current and new employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to receive access.

UCPath is the system of record for UCLA employees, and thus, a central database for accessing payroll data. The NDA, however, is also applicable to any downstream UCLA systems or reports that utilize payroll data, including, but not limited to:

  • Cognos CDW Web Reports
  • UCLA ODS Reporting   

What Does This Mean For Me?

In order to be properly provisioned with access to payroll data in UCPath or other systems, you must sign the NDA. Your Department Security Administrator (DSA) will send the link via email.


You are required to email an NDA link to all new employees requesting any type of access to payroll data, including UCPath access, and must ensure the NDA has been signed prior to granting access. 

What do I need to do?

Blue molecule outline with an access card imposed over it

Do you need access to payroll data?

  • In order to be properly provisioned access to payroll data (in UCPath or another channel), you must sign the NDA.
  • Your DSA will send you the NDA via email.
  • Once signed, the NDA Receipt Email should be forwarded to your DSA.
  • In addition to the NDA, you are required to complete all relevant UCPath courses associated with your provisioning.


yellow molecule outline with a shield imposed over it

Are you a DSA?

You will: 

  • Email an NDA link to all new employees requesting any type of payroll data access, including UCPath.
  • Ensure that the NDA has been signed by the new employee prior to granting access.
  • Notify the requesting department that access was or was not granted.

What Is the Process?




REMEMBER: After signing the NDA, you must forward the receipt email to your DSA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your DSA should email you the NDA link. If they have not, you can access the Payroll Data NDA form directly.

If the above link is not working for you, please copy and paste
"" into your browser.

The UCPath Page Access for Locations document provides a detailed breakdown of UCPath access, including role and page specifics.

UCLA IT Services’ Enterprise Data and Analytics page provides an overview of reporting and how to obtain access.

In order to receive access to payroll data, all employees (regardless of role or job title) are required to sign the NDA.

This includes, but is not limited to, employees who have:

  • UCPath inquiry (view only) roles.
  • UCPath transactional (initiator or approver) roles.
  • Access to Cognos CDW report that use payroll data.

Employees who are already provisioned UCPath role(s) (regardless of role or job title) will be required to sign an NDA. The process for existing employees to sign their NDA is different than for new employees. Existing UCPath users will receive an email from Payroll Partner with a link to the NDA (DocuSign document). Existing users will be asked to sign the NDA by a given due date. More information on the existing employee NDA process can be found here on the NDA Existing Employee Quick Reference Guide.

Yes, all employees with access to payroll data, (regardless of role or job title), must sign the NDA.

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract or part of a contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for business purposes but wish to restrict access to.

The NDA process went into effect on 3/1/2023 for non-represented employees and4/3/2023 for represented employees.

The NDA was modified in July 2024 to:

  • Include a clause stating the NDA remains valid in the event of a change in role or responsibility, or separation from the University.
  • Update the agreement name, and refer to the NDA as “Payroll Data NDA” instead of “UCPath NDA”

You can learn more on the UCLA Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy Updates web page.

For information about GRLN policy impacts on reporting, please read UCLA IT Services’ Lived Name and Reporting article.

If you have any questions regarding the NDA, please contact us. On your request form, enter the following:

•   Topic: NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement
•   Category: General Inquiry – NDA