Streamlining UCPath Processing
In order to avoid unnecessary interruptions to payroll processing, the UCPath Production Processing Schedule identifies “lockdown windows” during which specific transactions should not be completed.
Past Approach
During lockdown windows, departments were instructed to stop approving specific transactions for employees in the current pay cycle being processed; however, there were no system parameters in place to ensure compliance with this directive. A few departments continued to transact during these times, disrupting payroll processing.
New Approach
Effective July 27, 2021, a new lockdown feature in the UCPath system automatically prevents specific transactions (e.g., PayPath) from being processed during these critical windows. Departments will need to continue to avoid the transactions not covered by this feature.
A complete overview of what this feature prevents and allows can be found in the below matrix.
It is important to note:
- Transactions can still be submitted and locally approved for employees not in the current pay cycle being processed (i.e., transactions for biweekly employees can be completed during the monthly lockdown and vice versa.)
- During lockdown windows, the UCPath Center will not complete their portion of Smart HR Templates or Extended Absence Requests for employees in the current pay cycle being processed; however, these transactions/requests can still be submitted and locally approved.
- The UCPath Center suspends all Mass PayPath transaction processing during lockdown windows regardless of the pay cycle (i.e., biweekly or monthly); however, these files can still be submitted to the Central Resource Unit (CRU).
CRU's Matrix

In addition to CRU's custom matrix, the following materials are also available to you: