Did you know?
On our new website, you can add events to your calendar. Check out the Biweekly PayPath Lockdown event and give it a try today.
At A Glance
- Announcements
- BW PayPath Lockdown: Aug 10-13 | Add to Calendar
- UCPath Notice: Extend CWR Appointment HR Template Update
- UCPath Online for Former Employees
- Calendar
- UCPath General Ledger & Funding News
- DEFECT GAEL Assessment Issue
- Payroll & HR News
- UCPath Enhancements August 6, 2021
- Reminder E-078 Temporary Workaround
- UCPath Center News
- RESOLVED Temporary Service Disruption - Aug 3
- Request to Update Address
- CRU News
- Meet the Newest Extension of Your UCLA Payroll Partner
- Upcoming I-9 Processing Procedures Class: Aug 19-20 | Enroll now opens a new window!
Missed an issue? Prior newsletter issues of Volume 3 are on our brand-new website.
Subscribe to CRU Newsletter opens a new window
Biweekly PayPath Lockdown: August 10-13
To avoid delays in payroll processing, UCPath Center will limit system functionality on specific pages during payroll processing Tuesday, August 10 at 5PM, through Friday, August 13, 6AM.
- Some pages in UCPath will appear as “read only” between the “stop” and “resume” dates/times on the UCPath Production Processing Schedule opens a new window.
- PayPath transactions will be displayed as “read only” for any employee being processed in the current pay cycle, and the Mass PayPath Approval page will be displayed as “read only” for all employees.
UCPath Center provided additional resources to help you adjust to this change:
- updated 7/27/2021 Review the Payroll Processing Schedule Job Aid opens a new window
- Change to Prevent Transactions During Payroll | FAQ opens a new window
Did you know?
On our new website, you can add events to your calendar. Check out the Biweekly PayPath Lockdown event and give it a try today.
UCPath Notice: Extend CWR Appointment HR Template Update
On 8/6/2021, we received the following update from the UCPath Center regarding a recent template update.
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UCPath Online for Former Employees
After employees leave the UC system, they gain access to the UCPath Former Employee Portal where they can retrieve UCPath earning statements and W-2 forms.
Steps for setting up your UCPath Former Employee login credentials, as well as troubleshooting tips and FAQs can be found in this article on our brand-new website.
Key dates and deadlines (subject to change):
Aug 10, 10:00 a.m. | Mass Pay files deadline for BW pay period ending 8/7/2021 |
Aug 10, 5:00 p.m. - Aug 13, 6:00 a.m. | UCPath Lockdown for BW PayPath transactions |
Aug 12 | UCPath processing BW Pay Confirm |
Aug 19, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | I-9 Processing Procedures Class: Part 1 |
Aug 20, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | I-9 Processing Procedures Class: Part 2 |
Aug 23, 10:00 a.m. | Mass Pay files deadline for MO pay period ending 8/31/2021 |
Aug 23, 5:00 p.m. - Aug 30, 6:00 a.m. | UCPath Lockdown for MO PayPath transactions |
Aug 27 | UCPath processing MO Pay Confirm |
UCPath General Ledger & Funding News
DEFECT: GAEL Assessment
Recently, we were informed of an issue where GAEL is being charged as though it were salary instead of being a proportion of salary.
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In Case You Missed It
- Adding and Removing Budget Distribution for the Staffing Roster Job Aid opens a new window
- BCT Process Change opens a new window
- Fiscal Year-End Funding Rollover Process in UCPath opens a new window
- GL Payroll Reconciliation Tool opens a new window | Demo Recording opens a new window
- Mass Funding Upload at UCLA (Non-MCOP) Training Guide opens a new window
see our new UCPath GL Resource Page
Payroll & HR News
UCPath Changes and Enhancements July 30, 2021 - August 5, 2021
Find out about recent enhancements to UCPath and UCPath Online.
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Upcoming: Required In-person Inspection Following DHS Remote Inspection
On July 28, 2021, tracker users received our recommendation to use the Remote Section 2 Amendment option. Avoid potential processing bottlenecks and identify an Authorized Agent who will complete the in-person physical inspection of the employee’s work authorization documents prior to the DHS flexibility end date of August 31.
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E-078 Temporary Workaround
As a reminder, UCPath updated the system to allow certain earnings codes opens a new window when submitting payouts. However, this change also made the “hours” field required when the “payout accruals” box is checked. Please note:
- UCPath will continue to calculate the hours.
- Department initiators can enter 1 in the hours field in order to submit the transaction.
Currently, the original Jira ticket is still open as this issue has not been fully resolved. We are monitoring the Jira for progress and will provide an update on our Top Defects list opens a new window as more information is available.
In Case You Missed It
- Completing/Canceling a Foreign Source Income Statement opens a new window
- DHS Remote Document Inspection Policy Extended to August 31, 2021 opens a new window
- Electronic Upload of Employee Verification Documents for Tracker I-9 opens a new window
- PFCB Webinar Recoding opens a new window | Q/A opens a new window | Quick Reference Guide opens a new window
- UCPath Job Aid: Postdoc Job Setup for Multiple Concurrent Jobs opens a new window
see new Payroll Processing Calendar Resources
UCPath Center News
Temporary Service Disruption - Resolved August 3
UCPath experienced a service disruption beginning at 10:40 a.m., Tuesday August 3 for approximately 10 minutes.
The service disruption was caused by a critical system patch that was applied early and users may have encountered error messages when accessing UCPath. UCPath rolled back the critical system patch and services were restored. If you encounter further issues, please contact the UCPath Center.
Request to Update Address
On 8/5/2021, UCPath Center sent an email to 240 employees throughout the UC system regarding an address change required by health care provider .
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UCPath Online Demonstrations
The UCPath Center offers UCPath online demonstrations opens a new window to show how employees can use the portal for a variety of Employee Self-Service (ESS) tasks every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm (excluding university holidays.)
Read more opens a new window
In Case You Missed It
- UCPath Phone Service: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding UC holidays
- Chat with UCPath Center opens a new window 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. | 9 self-service topics opens a new window
- Effective 7/27/2021: Change to Prevent Transactions During Payroll | FAQ opens a new window
- Take Charge of Your Benefits on UCPath Online opens a new window
- Try the UCPath Appointment Feature opens a new window appointments available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
CRU News
Meet the Newest Extension of Your UCLA Payroll Partner
During our user experience research, you told us what you needed, wanted, and hated...and we listened! We're proud to announce the launch of CRU's new website, cru.ucla.edu opens a new window.
When we say it was designed with you in mind, we mean it! From curated training materials, specialized topic pages, interactive resources, and everything in between, your Payroll Partner is now truly just a click away.
Stay Tuned:
Our site has so many new and improved features, we're dedicating entire communications to them! Keep an eye out for weekly website spotlights in your inbox and the CRU newsletter.
Tips for You:
To ensure you have the best site experience:
- Clear your browser cache and cookies
- Use Chrome or Firefox
- Update your bookmarks to reflect your new favorite pages!
Upcoming I-9 Processing Procedures Class: August 19-20
As a reminder, we offer an I-9 Processing Procedures opens a new window class to help users understand the procedures for completing the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9 Form). This class is valuable to employees with new responsibilities in this area, and it can be used as a refresher for veterans as well.
Did you know?
On our new website, you can add events to your calendar. Check out this upcoming I-9 event and give it a try today.
Register for I-9 Class: August 19-20, 2021, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm opens a new window
In Case You Missed It
- AYSO: Password Reset opens a new window | 2021 Maintenance Schedule opens a new window
- CRU COVID-19 Resource Center
- UCPath PUM Upgrade Project
- Summer Sessions Teaching: Training Guide | Video opens a new window
- Top UCPath Defects, Limitations, and Change Requests for UCLA opens a new window
- Tracker I-9 resource page